Windows 10 reboots: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose

Why a machine with Windows 10 installed keeps rebooting every hour? How do I fix it?

If you, hypothetical reader, found this page looking for a solution for your problem with Windows 10 then I am sorry to disappoint you.

I don’t know how to fix it. I am still trying to fix it. I probably read about the possible solutions on the same websistes that you, hypothetical reader, already tried.

So, move on. Leave this page. Your search isn’t over. The solution may be hidden somewhere, anywhere. Surely someone else experienced your (our?) same problem and found a solution and shared it.

Did you see, hypothetical reader, the many, many threads about a problem that looked so similar to the one that plagues us? Yes, they are marked as solved but usually “everything just turned back to normal”.

They don’t know why the problem went away. They content themselves with the fact that the problem is no longer visibile.

What if it still lingers, hidden in some meandering path?

Would you, hypothetical reader, be content with just the problem gone? Maybe you are the same as me. We need to understand. We need to check and be sure. We want the Knowledge.

What if it is not something we can understand with our limited minds?

Maybe someone had been able to summon a real guru -or a wizard?- that solved the problem. Maybe not.

Maybe this it the first step to a limitless mind, one able to appreciate in full the details of our machine.

You, hypothetical reader, will have to wade through useless pages, innumerable ads, pesky pop-ups, extravagant pages…

Did you know you can exorcise an hard disk just by singing?

Did you know that you can soothe the pains of an ailing motherboard by knowing how to massage it (but remember to wear an ESD wristband) ?

Did you know that you can sweet-talk your CPU into overclocking itself?

Didn’t you?

I did not.

So, hypothetical reader, go ahead. You won’t find a solution here but the next link may be the right one.

Go, now.

Go while I keep venting here my frustration about this stubborn little machine that already ate too many hours of my rather busy time.

Go while I try to understand myself to understand better the machine.

Go while I open my mind and ponder over the essence of zen.

Are you still here, hypothetical reader?

You are rather persistent, aren’t you?

Well, if the above wall of text didn’t discourage you, stubborn one, I suppose I should write here what I did learn.

In my case, it is a service that creates the problem. I still don’t know which one. I will write here more once I solved the problem…

Which means that maybe I will never write something more here, hypothetical reader, because maybe I will not be able to solve the problem.

And now, hypothetical reader, you must really go because this article ends here.


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